Friday, January 30, 2009

Drawing the Art of Man Structure

A man body is dividing into many muscle and bone. Each part of that is structured with many forms. The Structure of Man usually visualization by muscle body just like a body builder person. Human body contains arts in it. But some people disagree about that. They thing its contain nudity or adult content. But I think its depending by how people see and realize it.

Drawing a man structure or man figure is one of challenging arts technique. Drawing the structure of man is one of arts too. Just like I say in above, human body constructions are divided by many muscle and bone, and each part of it are have different proportion and form. Human structure arts is usually use by many needed. For example are for arts drawing, muscle demonstration and conceptual arts, the conceptual arts are usually implementing this kind of arts.

If you want to learn how to drawing this kind of technique, you can learn it online by a website that usually talking about this skill. One blog/website that I would like to recommend to you is the structure of man. With this site you will find so many interesting info about how to drawing a man body. This blog is very good, because their clients are not only an individual but its classed to Hollywood productions. They were usually help to created an animation or man structured for many Hollywood movies. Lucas Film, Universal Pictures, Universal Studios and many more are few of their big clients.

So if you already interested with this kind of arts, you can start to surf the blog here: The Structure of Man.

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